Speaking Club Meeting

Speaking club. Meeting #8 summary: Your life story

Everyone’s life is a story. And yesterday we all shared our stories.

It’s interesting that at first, I planned to have a usual discussion with questions and answers and only then go to the experimental-sharing-your-story part. BUT in most groups, people get so excited and intrigued about the third part of the meeting, so they jumped into sharing straight away.

I went to all groups and listened to some of your stories. It was beautiful, heartbreaking, surprising, moving and very-very interesting.

After the meeting, you shared that it also was “an inspiring and useful experience”, some of you “became closer” and that you want more such meetings.

We’ll have more for sure.

More action and connection. More insights and discoveries about yourself and the people around you.

I had a blast yesterday and I hope to have many many more such unforgettable meetings.

How about you?

If you want to join our Speaking Club here’s the link

In case you hadn’t a chance to watch the video that inspired me to hold this meeting here it is:

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