how to choose right words from the books

How to Choose the Right Vocabulary from English Books

As you might know, books are a great tool for expanding your English vocabulary. Though not everyone knows how to use this tool. Believe it or not but passive reading is not enough to grow your vocabulary.

To be able to use new interesting words and expressions you come across in books you need to do a little bit of work. What does it mean?

There are 4 main steps in this process:

1. Identify a new word or expression you want to learn and use.
2. See if it’s not old-fashioned or rare, so you can use it in your speech or writing (you can check it in dictionaries, Google search, Youglish).
3. Write down the word and quote from a book where it was used. This is how you’ll remember it better.
4. Create your own sentences with this word or expression and start to use it in your speech or writing.

There’s no need to grab all those awesome words you find in a book but only those that you really like and those you’re gonna use.

Here’s you can see how I did it with The Great Gatsby.

Now let me know in the comments how do you usually choose which words to learn while you reading books and what book (in English!) are you reading at the moment.

Want to learn more words and expressions? Come over here.

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