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Speaking club. Meeting #2 summary

Yesterday we had our second meeting and here’s a summary of it.

12 people joined as the previous meeting. I think it’s a magic number)) hahaha

We’re talking about 7 myths about learning that often prevent us from achieving results we want.

We started in the main room and then split into groups of 2-4 people, so everyone had an opportunity to speak their mind on the issue.

Each room discussed one of the 7 myths. The most popular point for discussion was about fixed and growth mindsets. And according to the poll, most of the people want to dive even deeper into the topic.

Here’re the myths that participants were interested to discuss the most:

speaking club topics

So, I will definitely take it into consideration while planning our Speaking Club next meetings.

Afterward, we got back to the main room and share our insights on the topic.

speaking club meetings
Julia’s talking about how motivated she was during the meeting.
speaking club meetings
Olga’s sharing her experience.

It was such a pleasure to see people’s faces full of emotions and enthusiasm and to know that the meeting was not only useful but enjoyable.

New connections were built, few books were shared, most of the participants got inspired and encouraged. This is the best outcome I can dream of.

Guys, thank you so much for joining and being active and curious participants. I love your energy and enthusiasm and hope to see you again and again.

Feel free to share your insights in the comments.

For those who’re reading it and want to be a part of our Speaking Club here’s the link to join (don’t forget to put your name and email address, so I can send you updates about upcoming meetings. 

Posts created 124

2 thoughts on “Speaking club. Meeting #2 summary

  1. Oww! That was my favourite thing to discuss.
    My pick was “Intelligent is fixed.” It was such an interesting topic to have discussed.
    We could or would have discussed over a lot of things on different topics. Knowing how to learn things, having a growth minset, killing all your negative thoughts and using right methods in learning are of vital importance which leads to success.
    There would be tons of things we can discuss over as I assume most of us have much in common on topics.


    1. Hey Aung, thank you! I’m so thrilled that you liked it) And you also shared some cool books, thank you! I love the idea of “killing negative thoughts” or shall I say ANTs)) haha, see you around.

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