Speaking Club Perception

Speaking club. Meeting #9 summary: Perception VS Reality

We had an awesome meeting yesterday. It was about perception and reality.

We learned a bit about how different could be our perception if we know limited information about someone or something. And also saw with our own eyes how delusional reality could be (I’ll put all the links to those cool videos and tricky pictures for you to explore more).

Then we went into the smaller groups and it was a word association game.
Most of the participants were so fascinated with the game so they didn’t get to the questions.

So, we decided to have a second meeting about Perception VS Reality. In will be in a fortnight (November, 6).

Thank you for joining, have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Friday!

If you want to join our Speaking Club here’s the link

Here’re the links:

A nonconventional story about 8-year-old girl from London

A nonconventional story about 8-year-old girl from London. Part 2

25 Optical Illusions That Prove Your Brain Sucks

My Biggest Mistake with “Perception” and “Percept”: How to Use them Right

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